Difference between Olivier Salad and Winter Salad. Olivier salad belongs to the category of universally recognized dishes. Its merits include satiety, accessibility of ingredients, ease of preparation, and an appetizing appearance. However, another salad with a similar composition is also known to homemakers, called winter salad. What are the differences between these two mentioned dishes, and is there really any difference? Let’s try to figure it out.

First of all, let’s give credit to the long-ago Frenchman Olivier, who once invented a culinary masterpiece in the form of a salad. The chef took many secrets with him, but the dish was reproduced in general terms. It must be said that what we indulge in now is not at all like the original version of the dish.

According to the first mentioned recipe, an important component of Olivier was the meat of fried hazel grouse. It was chopped and mixed with boiled potatoes. Fresh cucumbers (usually) were added, along with olives and capers. The unique Provencal sauce served as the dressing. The mass placed in a vase was garnished with crawfish necks, pieces of aspic (broth that has solidified into jelly), and lettuce greens.

Over time, the composition of the dish changed significantly. Instead of scarce and expensive products, more familiar and affordable ones began to be used. Interestingly, the snack did not become less beloved by the population. In Soviet times, Olivier particularly became a staple on the New Year’s table. By that time, the popular dish was made from potatoes, cubes of sausage, canned peas, chopped eggs, and pickles. These ingredients were mixed with mayonnaise.

To this day, the classic recipe is presented in the same form. In addition, there are various variations of Olivier. They emerge when someone adds their own twist to the traditional composition. For example, boiled carrots, ham, or apples may be introduced into the dish. Some components are sometimes excluded or replaced with others. In this case, the resulting dish often acquires a new name.

As for the winter salad, it is most often understood to be the same Olivier. But in this case, it is noted that the ingredients for creating the dish can be easily obtained in the cold season, unlike the ingredients of some “summer” variations. Moreover, here again, there is a hint of the New Year holidays.

Another version is also known. It asserts that Olivier is a snack where sausage is necessarily present, and a salad with meat is considered winter. No matter what the culinary product is called, it turns out to be delightful and is suitable not only for special occasions but also as a hearty everyday dish.